Metaphors About my Life

I am a thorny rose.

In comparison, a rose needs the help of water, sunlight, and other components in order to grow I also reach for the help of others when they are needed in my life. I depend on others to provide me with guidance and support so I can be able withstand the many difficulties thrown at me unexpectedly. A rose covered in thorns making it impossible to be held without being hurt an infinite amount of times. Thorns resemble the flaws I personally have and learned  to embrace openly. These thorns act as a shield and a barrier when holding this rose much like how protected my heart is when interacting with others. A rose would not be complete without it’s petals which attract many. Each petal is unique that contains different pigments, sizes, and shapes. These petals could be viewed as my personality. A rose is often admired for it’s beauty and loved by many. I’m not everyone’s favorite flower , sometimes I give people headaches and I am what some may call mainstream but I am special. There are many aspects of my personality,however they all come together to make me who I am. I am a thorny rose.

I am an elevator.

I am sociable and I love to be surrounded by people. I try to lift others up when they are down. Even when people are pushing my buttons I have a tendency to just ignore it and move on with the day. I am always there for people who need me especially if they are having difficulties. Not always does being positive work, it’s as if my happiness is out of order. When I’m back though prepared to lift others up no matter the weight on them it is quite obvious that I have been missed dearly. Although I try to accommodate as much as I can, I do have a limit which people feel the need to exceed. I often follow the rules but when I feel audacious I go my own way. There are moments when I break down, and only those who know me inside and out have the capability of fixing me.

Asna A.

Image Credit: ilovehdwallpapers / business2



4 comments to Metaphors About my Life

  1. ziyanak says:

    Dear Asna-

    Your Metaphor of Me struck a chord somewhere within me. Not because I felt that we are similar; in fact I think that we are very different individuals. The reason that I think your Metaphor of Me affected me so was because through your writing was borne a pride in who you are. Really and truly, just reading it gave me shivers because you were so absolute and so sure of who you were through your tone. I got the very powerful impression that you put a lot of thought into what you were writing, and I felt that through your writing, you expressed good and bad parts of yourself while proudly owning it all. This is something that I feel I have never been able to do- to truly accept myself in all my flaws and to write about it with such pleasure in just being me. I’m not sure if this tone was what you intended to put out there, but it is what I received and for me it was empowering. So thank you for that.
    As something to offer to you as a constructive criticism for the future, I found myself very distracted while reading your piece because of GUMPS errors. They were not abundant, but there was enough to take me out of the world you created in your writing. This can be fixed easily by using spell check or by getting someone to proofread your work before you post it.
    Another thing I want to complement you on before I conclude is that it delighted me to see the originality of your metaphors. An elevator… it honestly doesn’t get more original than that! I really appreciate that you found things to write about that wouldn’t create a common, an inside-the-box response. I know that a rose might seem cliché at first (and you even mention that it is mainstream in your writing) but I think that because your take on it was so different from others I have read, it didn’t matter that the rose is classically symbolic and metaphorical. You brought to it a new, personal level of depth. So thank you for the imaginative, unexpected writing, and as I said before, it’s obvious to me that you put a lot of thought and effort into this piece, which I really appreciate.
    Keep on writing, because you have a creative, out-of-the-box, and unique mind that produces original, innovative writing… and I really love that!

    Infinite Love and Gratitude,

    • Asna says:

      Hi Ziyana,
      I’m thrilled that you thoroughly enjoyed the idea behind this metaphor! I will try to improve my GUMPS by proofreading before I publish my blogs.
      Thanks again!
      Sincerely, Asna

  2. bains2000 says:

    Dear Asna,
    I love your thoughts that are exemplified my both the rose and elevator. The rose example is amazing especially with reference to the thorns present on the rose stem. From the following line, “Thorns resemble the flaws I personally have and learned to embrace openly,” I admire this trait of yours. In today’s world, I feel like it can get difficult for many to showcase their flaws to the world without the fear of being judged. The simple fact that you are well beyond this is a amazing skill to possess. Moving on to the elevator reference, once again i feel like this is a perfect bulls eye hit to describe yourself. Personally knowing you from a friend standpoint, I truly believe that these references fit you perfectly and really describe who you are as a person:Great, Vibrant, Energetic, Radiant, Encouraging.
    As a simple not of improvement, I would have loved to see at least one personal direct reference to either one of these metaphorical objects as it often helps the reader to understand the piece better and overall connect better to the writing.

  3. Asna says:

    Hi Manvir,
    Thank you so much for taking the time to read my metaphors. The fact that you enjoyed my piece overjoys me. I will keep that in mind since I like to make that connection when reading other students’ pieces. Thanks again!
    Sincerely, Asna

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