Metaphors About my Life

I am a thorny rose.

In comparison, a rose needs the help of water, sunlight, and other components in order to grow I also reach for the help of others when they are needed in my life. I depend on others to provide me with guidance and support so I can be able withstand the many difficulties thrown at me unexpectedly. A rose covered in thorns making it impossible to be held without being hurt an infinite amount of times. Thorns resemble the flaws I personally have and learned  to embrace openly. These thorns act as a shield and a barrier when holding this rose much like how protected my heart is when interacting with others. A rose would not be complete without it’s petals which attract many. Each petal is unique that contains different pigments, sizes, and shapes. These petals could be viewed as my personality. A rose is often admired for it’s beauty and loved by many. I’m not everyone’s favorite flower , sometimes I give people headaches and I am what some may call mainstream but I am special. There are many aspects of my personality,however they all come together to make me who I am. I am a thorny rose.

I am an elevator.

I am sociable and I love to be surrounded by people. I try to lift others up when they are down. Even when people are pushing my buttons I have a tendency to just ignore it and move on with the day. I am always there for people who need me especially if they are having difficulties. Not always does being positive work, it’s as if my happiness is out of order. When I’m back though prepared to lift others up no matter the weight on them it is quite obvious that I have been missed dearly. Although I try to accommodate as much as I can, I do have a limit which people feel the need to exceed. I often follow the rules but when I feel audacious I go my own way. There are moments when I break down, and only those who know me inside and out have the capability of fixing me.

Asna A.

Image Credit: ilovehdwallpapers / business2